2012 Watch nominations are now being accepted

The World Monuments Watch calls international attention to cultural heritage around the world that is at risk from the forces of nature and the impact of social, political, and economic change. From archaeological sites to iconic architecture, cultural landscapes to historic urban centers, the Watch identifies places of significance in need of timely action.

Every two years, World Monuments Fund (WMF) accepts new nominations to the Watch. Over 600 sites on all seven continents have been included in the eight Watch cycles since 1996. Watch listing provides an opportunity for sites and their nominators to raise public awareness, foster local participation, advance innovation and collaboration, and demonstrate effective solutions. The announcement of the 2010 Watch was covered by over 1500 news outlets, reaching more than 250 million people worldwide. The Watch nomination process also serves as a vehicle for requesting WMF assistance for select projects. Watch sites in more than 80 countries have received WMF support totaling $60 million, and WMF’s investment has leveraged an additional $150 million in assistance from other sources.

Information about the 2012 World Monuments Watch can be found at www.wmf.org/watch
Questions about the nomination process should be directed to watch@wmf.org

Please forward this email to colleagues and contacts who might be interested in submitting a nomination. Thank you for your interest in the Watch!

Deadline for nominations is March 15, 2011

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Save Our Historic Villages

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International day fot monuments and sites 2004

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Dear Colleagues,
In 1983, the UNESCO General Conference endorsed a proposal that had grown from an ICOMOS initiative and officially recommended that its member states declare the 18th April, the International Day for Monuments and Sites.