Workshop Aesthetics, Craft, and Care of the Fine Art Digital Print

Titulny obrazok blogu uzivatela: harp

The Image Permanence Institute (IPI), Rochester Institute of
Technology, Rochester, NY, is presenting a five-day workshop on the
Aesthetics, Craft, and Care of the Fine Art Digital Print. The
workshop will be held on July 30 – August 3, 2012 in Rochester, NY.
The cost is $1,595 and includes an opening reception, catered
lunches and breaks, and a tour of a professional digital printmaking

In a small group setting, this lecture and hands-on style workshop
will teach participants the unique aesthetics of the fine art
digital print and help them understand their distinguishing
characteristics. Presentation of the history and application of
digital print technologies will be followed by demonstrations of the
fine art inkjet printing process. Additional topics include basic
color management theory, the fundamentals of fine art reproduction,
and the use of various tools and software currently available for
monitor and printer calibration. Print samples will illustrate the
consequence of different software settings and common image workflow
mistakes. Print identification techniques will be taught through
close examination of didactic sample sets and the use of Graphics
Atlas, IPI's print characterization website. Participants will learn
about physical and chemical stability issues and receive practical
advice on handling, storage enclosures, and proper display and
storage conditions.

To learn more or to register for the workshop please go to

Douglas Nishimura
Image Permanence Institute
Rochester Institute of Technology

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Súvisiace články

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