Construyendo organizaciones + inteligentes

El boletín informativo electrónico de TIKAL IDEAS

2002 is going to be remembered as a year of extreme social changes in Latin America, and also, probably, in the rest of the world.We, from Tikal Ideas, have the hope that those changes will be useful for improving the quality of life of thousands of persons in Latin America.

Our balance as organization is positive. Despite the enormous amount of problems we have found this year to keep alive, we have managed not only to survive, but also we have achieved many of the goals we have had in mind at the beginning of the year.

2003 seems to be a much positive year. In April we are starting one of our most important projects: together with the University of Tres de Febrero (Argentina), Unesco and the Interfaculty of Economy and Arts of the HKU – Holland, we are launching an at-distance course on Management of socio-cultural organizations.
This course will be given through 80 classrooms which are part of a video-conference system operating through the Nahuel satellite, allowing to form hundreds of students simultaneously. Those persons will be coached through internet by experienced “Tikal” coaches.

This, and many other projects which are in our portfolio for next year, will be described in our next newsletter.

For now, we just wish that wherever you may spend old year’s eve, be surrounded by the love of your beloved people.

Happy new year!!!!

Tikal Ideas Staff



El 2002 pasará a la historia como un ano cargado de situaciones extremas para los latinoamericanos. Un ano de intensas transformaciones sociales.

Desde Tikal Ideas confiamos que todas estas transformaciones servirán para poder construir mejores condiciones de vida en el nuevo ano que está a punto de comenzar.

Desde Tikal Ideas, nuestro balance es positivo. Creemos que en las situaciones extremas que estamos atravesando, se encuentran enormes potenciales de desarrollo y de crecimiento. Mucho de nuestro futuro se encuentra en nuestras propias manos. Es necesario adaptar nuestros modos de pensar y concebir la realidad a los grandes desafíos a los cuales nos enfrentamos.

Como organización, estamos satisfechos con lo alcanzado. Hemos abierto diversos frentes operativos importantes en Chile, Brasil y Ecuador. Nuestro nombre se ha hecho conocido y podemos decir con una buena dosis de orgullo que muchas de las metas que nos propusimos, las hemos podido cumplir. Nuevas alianzas estratégicas abren las puertas a mayores y mejores emprendimientos.

El 2003 se presenta como un ano renovador y con buenas perspectivas de trabajo.

Uno de nuestros proyectos más ambiciosos se encuentra en pleno proceso de realización: en abril de 2003 iniciaremos un curso de Capacitación en Gestión de Emprendimientos Sociales y Culturales en Argentina a través de un sistema de aulas satelitales (videcoconferencia) en forma conjunta con la Universidad de Tres de Febrero, UNESCO y la Interfacultad de Economía y Arte del HKU de Holanda. De esta manera, en 80 ciudades de todo el país, se podrá realizar este curso de manera presencial con tutorías a través de internet. Deseamos acercar a la mayor cantidad de personas metodologías de gestión necesarias para hacer frente a las incertidumbres que nos amenazan a diario.

Sobre este y otros novedosos proyectos les informaremos en nuestro próximo boletín.

Por ahora sólo nos resta desear que este fin de ano podamos cerrarlo rodeados del carino de nuestros seres más queridos, cercanos y lejanos.

!Que el ano que comienza traiga nuevas y mejores perspectivas para todos nosotros!

!Es el deseo del equipo de Tikal Ideas!

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Súvisiace články

2003-2004 University course

EPA’s university courses are programmed every three academic years. The beginning of the next course in preventive conservation is scheduled for the end of 2003. The course is validated by the University of Paris I – Panthéon Sorbonne and the University of Abomey-Calavi in Benin.

The Best In Heritage 2004

Dubrovnik, 16-18(21) Sept. 2004 (3rd Year)
“THE BEST IN HERITAGE” is a major international forum which provides a promotional spotlight on the most professionally creative and educational heritage developments all over the world. Each year we provide an international showcase and presentation forum for over twenty award-winning and innovative projects, and present them to the wider professional public and the international media. It is a unique gathering of heritage expertise and international exchange of ideas.
This is not a competition. We do not evaluate these projects or give prizes; – we just present their excellence and share it with the interested, ambitious colleagues.

The Best In Heritage

The Best In Heritage© (2nd year)
Dubrovnik, 18 – 20/ 22 -23 Sept. 2003
under patronage of ICOM, UNESCO (NC), Europa Nostra and ICOMOS
“The Best in Heritage” is an international, annual review of the best, awarded achievements in museum and heritage field. It is an occasion where representatives of most successful projects, from museums, sites, attractions to multimedia, will explain why is it that they were proclaimed the best, either internationally or nationally.

Martin Weaver | 1938 – 2004

Martin Weaver was an internationally recognised expert on the conservation of buildings and other heritage items ranging from steam locomotives to U-boats. Trained as an architect in London, Martin began working on archaeological sites in Britain and the Middle East and developed a life-long interest in the science of materials and their conservation.

International Day for Monuments and Sites-Ideas on how to celebrate it !

The origin of the International Day for Monuments and SitesIdeas on how to celebrate it !

On 18 April 1982 on the occasion of a symposium organised by ICOMOS Tunisia, which coincided with a meeting of the Bureau in Hammamet, the holding of a International Day for Monuments and Sites to be celebrated simultaneously throughout the world was suggested. This project was approved by the Executive Committee who provided practical suggestions to the National Committees on how to organise this day. Last but not least, the idea was also approved by the UNESCO General Conference…