ICCROM – Course announcement

ICCROM , in collaboration with the Institut National du Patrimoine (France), the Centro Conservazione e Restauro La Venaria Reale, the Istituto Centrale per il Restauro and the Opificio delle pietre Dure (Italy), is pleased to announce the fourth session of the International course on “Sharing conservation decisions 2008”.

The purpose of the course is to improve conservation decisions by involving the various professions and stakeholders, and ensuring transparency, clarity, and the effectiveness of the process.

The course will take place in Rome, Italy, from 3 to 28 November 2008 (4 weeks).

It is designed for any professional actively involved in heritage conservation, i.e., anthropologists, archaeologists, architects, art historians, collections and site managers, conservators-restorers, conservation scientists, curators, directors of small to medium size museums, galleries and archives, registrars.

The application deadline is 29 February 2008.

A brief description of the course and full information on the application process is available at http://www.iccrom.org/eng/01train_en/announce_en/2008_11Sharing_en.shtml

SCD 08 Course Management
ICCROM, 13 Via di San Michele
00153 Rome, Italy
Fax: +39 –
Web Site: http:www.iccrom.org

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