Art Conservation Program at Queen’s University

The Art Conservation Program at Queen’s University is now accepting
applications for September 2007 in our three treatment streams which
offer concentrations in the conservation of artifacts, paintings and
paper. We are particularly interested in receiving applications for
our two research programs–the MAC (Research) degree and our
Master’s level program in Conservation Science as outlined below.

Conservation Science Degree: This two-year program is open to
science and engineering graduates wishing to carry out research in
conservation science. Students are required to complete a program
of study consisting of four advanced lecture courses along with
original research and a thesis, with no practical treatment
component. Research topics will be individually designed to suit
the background and interests of the individual student. Application
deadline for the next academic year is January 31, 2007.

MAC (Research) Degree: Professionals who have worked in the
conservation field for a minimum of five years are invited to apply
for admission to the MAC (Research) program. Areas of
specialization include the conservation of artifacts, paintings, and
paper. In response to the need for mid-career training, this degree
path is suitable for busy professionals with limited time for
further studies. Students are required to complete a program of
study consisting of four advanced lecture courses along with
original research and a thesis, with no practical treatment
component. Normally, the course work and research is completed
during an initial eight to twelve month on-campus residency period;
the thesis may be completed after students return to their place of
employment. Specific requirements for admission include a four-year
undergraduate degree and chemistry courses. Application deadline
for the next academic year is January 31, 2007.

For more information, please see

Enquiries about both degree programs should be addressed to:

Art Conservation Program
15 Bader Lane
Queen’s University
Kingston ON K7L 3N6
613-533-6000 ext. 77776
Fax: 613-533-6889
artcon [at] post__queensu__ca

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Súvisiace články

Prírodovedné poznatky pre konzervátorov

15. – 18. novembra 2004 sa bude v Somersete, štát New Jersey, USA konať dvojdňový seminár o prírodných vedách pre konzervátorov, ktorý organizuje New York Conservation Foundation v rámci svojho programu Eastern Analytical Symposium. Témou prvého dňa seminára bude kontaminácia zbierok, druhý deň bude venovaný konsolidácii prírodného kameňa.

The International Course on Wood Conservation Technology

Oslo, Norway, 24 May to 2 July, 2004
Since the first course in 1984, about 190 participants from 74 countries have attended the program. Course concludes with a written examination, which awards university credits if passed. Theoretical and practical aspects of wood conservation are given equal consideration during the 6 weeks of training.

2003-2004 University course

EPA’s university courses are programmed every three academic years. The beginning of the next course in preventive conservation is scheduled for the end of 2003. The course is validated by the University of Paris I – Panthéon Sorbonne and the University of Abomey-Calavi in Benin.