Commonwealth and National Heritage List Workshops

Date and time: Wednesday 16 February 2005, 1pm 4.30pm, Venue: Rippon Lea Ballroom (and other venues and dates around Victoria tbc)

Victoria now has 3 places on the National Heritage List, and numerous places on the new Commonwealth Heritage List. Both of these lists are relatively new Australian Government initiatives, and the places on them are now afforded a similar level of protection to World Heritage sites under the Australian Government’s Environment Protection and Environment Conservation Act, or the EPBC Act. The National Trust of Australia (Victoria), in conjunction with WWF Australia and the Tasmanian Conservation Trust, is pleased to be hosting a FREE workshop on both of these new National Heritage lists on the 16th February 2005 in the Rippon Lea Ballroom, 192 Hotham Street, Elsternwick, Melbourne from 1.30pm to 4.30pm. The workshop will include information about the new National Heritage system including:

· How heritage listing under the new National Heritage system works (the criteria and thresholds for listing)
· How places on the lists are protected
· Opportunities for community involvement in the new system (nomination to the lists is open to anyone, and there are numerous opportunities for comment)
· How places on the lists are required to be managed
· Funding opportunities for listed places
· How the national heritage system integrates with State / local heritage systems

Please contact Nathan O’Brien on (03) 9656 9826 or to find our more or reserve a place at the 16th February workshop.

Other similar free workshops are currently being organised around the State, and National Trust members are welcome to attend. Venues include Ballarat, the Grampians, Wangaratta and Sale. Contact Tracey Rich on (02) 6257 4010[] to find out more about these sessions.

Source: ICOMOS Slovakia

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Victorian National Heritage Workshop Series

The EPBC Unit is pleased to announce a series of FREE Victorian workshops on the new National Heritage system. Hosted by community organizations and local government, these workshops will help participants determine whether places in their region could be ‚put on the map‘ by being inscribed onto the National Heritage list.

National Trust (NSW) Executive Director

Situation Vacant – National Trust (NSW) Executive Director
The National Trust (NSW) is a community based non-government organisation committed to promoting and conserving Australia’s built, natural and cultural heritage through its work as custodian, protector and advocate.