Conservation Technology Forum in Tasmania

Conservation Technology Forum in Tasmania
25th November 2004
As a result of enquiries from a number of conservation practitioners the APT Australasian Chapter will be re-formatted as a Conservation Technology Forum to provide a vehicle for the dissemination of information about conservation technology. Participation in the Forum will be open to anyone with a professional interest. Dr Donald Ellsmore will coordinate a Forum event to coincide with the ICOMOS Conference at Port Arthur on 25th November. Forum participants will have an opportunity to inspect recent works to recover John Lee Archer’s design of the Long Room in the former Customs House in Hobart [Parliament Building] and examine building lime and conservation treatments of headstones on the Isle of the Dead at Port Arthur.

The Conservation Technology Forum is an unsponsored, open event. Costs would be met by individual participants. Anyone interested in the Forum should contact Donald Ellsmore by e-mail at for further details.

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Martin Weaver | 1938 – 2004

Martin Weaver was an internationally recognised expert on the conservation of buildings and other heritage items ranging from steam locomotives to U-boats. Trained as an architect in London, Martin began working on archaeological sites in Britain and the Middle East and developed a life-long interest in the science of materials and their conservation.

The International Course on Wood Conservation Technology

Oslo, Norway, 24 May to 2 July, 2004
Since the first course in 1984, about 190 participants from 74 countries have attended the program. Course concludes with a written examination, which awards university credits if passed. Theoretical and practical aspects of wood conservation are given equal consideration during the 6 weeks of training.


Dear friends and colleagues,
We would like to inform you about a planed international conference on Conservation and Preservation of Cultural Heritage. The conference will take place in Prague on the 11-12th December.

The Best In Heritage

The Best In Heritage© (2nd year)
Dubrovnik, 18 – 20/ 22 -23 Sept. 2003
under patronage of ICOM, UNESCO (NC), Europa Nostra and ICOMOS
“The Best in Heritage” is an international, annual review of the best, awarded achievements in museum and heritage field. It is an occasion where representatives of most successful projects, from museums, sites, attractions to multimedia, will explain why is it that they were proclaimed the best, either internationally or nationally.

News from ICCROM 11 | 2003

The XXIII Session of ICCROM’s General Assembly will take place in Rome from 19 to 21 November, 2003.
Dr. Cevat Erder, former Director-General of ICCROM (1981 1988), was awarded the Gazzola Prize at the recently concluded 14th General Assembly of ICOMOS held in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.