/ Mexiko, október 1999 / Charta o nehnuteľnom vernakulárnom dedičstve / Charter on the built vernacular heritage /…Medzinárodná charta kultúrneho turizmu – manažment turizmu na miestach s významom kultúrneho dedičstva / International cultural tourism charter, managering tourism at places of heritage significance / – 8.návrh

Deklarácia ICOMOS –u k 50.výročiu svetovej deklarácie ľudských práv / Declaration of ICOMOS, marking the 50th anniversary of universal declaration of human rights/ Foto

Odporúčania pre analýzu, konzervovanie a štrukturálne reštaurovanie architektonického dedičstva / Recommendations for the analysis, conservation an structural restoration of architectural heritage /

Princípy ochrany drevených historických štruktúr / Principles for the preservation of historic timber structures /

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Súvisiace články

The Venice Charter 1964 – 2004 – 2044?

International Scientific Conference | Budapest – Pécs (Hungary), May 22-28, 2004
Several days in May, 1964 are red letter days in the history of monument protection. Those days mark the Second Congress of Architects and Specialists of Historic Buildings held in Venice, on the Isle of San Giorgio.

Australia ICOMOS National Cultural Tourism Committee

Call for Nominations for Chairman
The Australia ICOMOS Cultural Tourism Committee is the national committee that reflects the work of the ICOMOS International Cultural Tourism Committee and seeks national opportunities to reinforce the philosophies of the ICOMOS International Cultural Tourism Charter. Members are drawn from WA, Queensland, SA, Tas and NSW. More members are always welcome.

Draft ICOMOS-Ename Charter on Heritage Interpretation

Following the discussions at of the ICOMOS Advisory Committee in Bergen, Norway in September, 2004, we are now seeking input from all members on the draft ICOMOS-Ename Charter on Heritage Interpretation. The text of the draft Charter will be available shortly via the Australia ICOMOS website – – look in the ‘news’ section.