Early Bird rate extended for the Architectural Glass Workshops

Early Bird rate extended for the ‚Architectural Glass Workshops‘ with Amber Hiscott, UK
Due to popular demand the ‚Early Bird‘ rate for the above workshop has now been extended to 4th April 2005For Architects * Interior designers and decorators * Builders * Glass artists * Glaziers * Stained glass workers * Manufacturers and those who wish to explore ‚glass‘ in architectural settings
To confirm your place, please complete and return the Registration Form page to ISS. If you have already registered, please feel free to forward onto others who would also be interested in attending.
If you require any further details, just ring 9882 0055 to discuss.
ISS Institute
101/685 Burke Road
Camberwell 3124
Phone 61 3 9882 0055
Fax 61 3 9882 9866
Email issi.ceo@pacific.net.au
web: www.amberhiscott.com/