FAHS Heritage Handbook: A guide for Historical Societies

The Federation of Australian Historical Societies has just launched a new book FAHS Heritage Handbook: A guide for Historical Societies. The book offers assistance and suggestions for documenting, protecting and interpretation Australia’s cultural heritage.

It includes information on Commonwealth, State and Territory heritage legislation, information and addresses for various agencies and will be of great use to historical societies, architects, engineers, historians and others interested in heritage and grants.

The book can be accessed online at: http://www.history.org.au/guide/
It can also be purchased from the FAHS.

Enquires re purchase of the hard copy can be made by writing to Gerard Hogan ascribe@ozemail.com.au or
GPO Box 1440,
Canberra ACT 2601

The Recommended Retail Price for this book is $11.00 plus postage.

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Heritage Areas meeting Pittsburgh

International Heritage Development Conference that was held in Pittsburgh June 7th through the 11th
Gustavo Araoz writes: he has found a great website from the Heritage Areas meeting in Pittsburgh – it has a wealth of information about cultural landscapes, cultural tourism, etc.