The future of heritage

Changing Visions, Attitudes, and Contexts in the 21st Century will provide a unique global forum for sharing predictions, projections, and warnings about how the field of heritage will look in the coming decades.

As in previous years, we look forward to hosting a wide range of scholars, heritage professionals, educators, and community leaders for two and a half days of stimulating discussions, workshops, and reflections on the current and future state of heritage.

Plenary speakers for this year’s colloquium will include:

Nezzar Al-Sayyed (University of California, Berkeley USA)
on the Transformation of Tradition in the Developed and Developing Worlds
Gilles Nourissier (Ecole d’Avignon, France)
on New Policy Challenges for Heritage Administration
Françoise Benhamou (Université de Rouen, France)
on the Evolving Economics of Heritage
Alberto De Tagle (Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage)
on Emerging Technologies of Conservation
Maurizio Forte (Italian National Research Council)
on the Future of Virtual Heritage
Nancy Morgan and Laura Gates (Cane River National Heritage Area, USA)
on Communities and their Changing Pasts in the 21st Century

Both the plenary sessions and specialized workshops will focus on the colloquium’s major themes:

Philosophy and Public Policy
Community Participation
If you have a unique vision or prediction about the future of heritage in your region or research field, we encourage you to submit an abstract for a short paper (10 min.) or research paper (20 min.) on one of the main colloquium themes.

We would like to announce that the deadline for the submission of abstracts has been extended to 15 January 2007.

Abstracts should be a maximum of 300 words, in English, and sent by fax to +32-55-303-519 or by email to colloquium program coordinator Claudia Liuzza at All authors should include full contact information (name, institutional affiliation, mailing address, phone, fax and e-mail address).

Notification of acceptance will be sent by 1 February 2007.

For questions or further information on registration for this event, please visit our website or contact Eva Roels at

Please feel free to distribute this announcement to any interested colleagues. We hope you will find this colloquium to be of interest and look forward to seeing you in Ghent next year!

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Súvisiace články

The Future of Heritage

At a time when the field of cultural heritage is undergoing series of far-reaching yet contradictory transformations, this three-day colloquium will present a wide range of perspectives and predictions on the future of heritage policy, funding, interpretive technologies, and public involvement in Europe and throughout the world.

The Best In Heritage

The Best In Heritage© (2nd year)
Dubrovnik, 18 – 20/ 22 -23 Sept. 2003
under patronage of ICOM, UNESCO (NC), Europa Nostra and ICOMOS
“The Best in Heritage” is an international, annual review of the best, awarded achievements in museum and heritage field. It is an occasion where representatives of most successful projects, from museums, sites, attractions to multimedia, will explain why is it that they were proclaimed the best, either internationally or nationally.

Forum UNESCO – University and Heritage (FUUH) Programme

International network of co-operation in the field of higher education aimed at professors, scholars, professionals and postgraduate students. The website offers to the members of this network the possibility to publish on the web papers, thesis summaries, workshops, projects, activities, etc.

Commonwealth and National Heritage List Workshops

Date and time: Wednesday 16 February 2005, 1pm 4.30pm, Venue: Rippon Lea Ballroom (and other venues and dates around Victoria tbc)

Victoria now has 3 places on the National Heritage List, and numerous places on the new Commonwealth Heritage List. Both of these lists are relatively new Australian Government initiatives, and the places on them are now afforded a similar level of protection to World Heritage sites under the Australian Government’s Environment Protection and Environment Conservation Act, or the EPBC Act.

The Best In Heritage 2004

Dubrovnik, 16-18(21) Sept. 2004 (3rd Year)
“THE BEST IN HERITAGE” is a major international forum which provides a promotional spotlight on the most professionally creative and educational heritage developments all over the world. Each year we provide an international showcase and presentation forum for over twenty award-winning and innovative projects, and present them to the wider professional public and the international media. It is a unique gathering of heritage expertise and international exchange of ideas.
This is not a competition. We do not evaluate these projects or give prizes; – we just present their excellence and share it with the interested, ambitious colleagues.

Heritage Policy for Montreal

On November 3, Montreal Mayor Gerald Tremblay publicly announced a draft Heritage Policy for the City.’The quality of life,conviviality and attractiveness of Montreal are in large part derived from its heritage, which helps define who we are and allows us to move confidently toward the future’, the Mayor said.’More than just an added value, heritage is a key tool for the cultural, social and economic development of our community.