Heritage Policy for Montreal

On November 3, Montreal Mayor Gerald Tremblay publicly announced a draft Heritage Policy for the City.’The quality of life,conviviality and attractiveness of Montreal are in large part derived from its heritage, which helps define who we are and allows us to move confidently toward the future‘, the Mayor said.’More than just an added value, heritage is a key tool for the cultural, social and economic development of our community.‘ For her part, Francine Senecal, Vice-Chair of the Montreal Executive Committee and Member Responsible for Culture and Heritage, said:’According to terms of the Montreal Declaration, ratified on October 8, 2003, as part of the 8th World Conference of Historical Cities, the City today would like to work with civil society in implementing its policy.‘

For more information: http://www.vieux.montreal.qc.ca/eng/comm_04/comm_04a.htm
Kristal Buckley

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