Heritage SA Conservation Seminar – Stained Glass Conservation

11 April 2003
Many of the country’s most valuable and diverse examples of decorative windows can be found in South Australia. The earliest was brought from England in 1836, the founding year of the new colony…Stained, painted and coloured glass windows form part of our history, giving expression to the social attitudes and aspirations of succeeding generations of South Australians. A wealth of churches, private houses and public buildings have been adorned with their rich beauty, ranging from the simple expression of the craftsman to works of great artistic merit.

The decorative glass window embodies artistic and aesthetic value, but must also perform as a functional component of the building to keep the elements at bay. Over the decades, the effects of weathering, gravity, vandalism and pollution take their toll.

To assist owners, curators and practitioners in the complex task of maintaining the cultural value and the physical integrity of decorative windows, Heritage SA is presenting a seminar in which local and interstate experts including historians, practitioners and conservators will share their knowledge of the history, care and conservation of stained glass and leadlight. There will be opportunities to see some of our most important windows ‘in the flesh’ and to learn from the experts about their history and conservation.

The seminar will be of value to professionals, tradespeople and property owners alike. The one day seminar will be held at the Art Gallery SA Auditorium.

Cost: $75.00 Concession: $60.00

Sponsored by: Department for Administrative and Information Services: Building Management, and Adelaide City Council.

For more information contact Peter Wells 8204 9249 or email at wells.peter@saugov.sa.gov.au

zdroj: ICOMOS Slovakia

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