Historic gardens foundation prize 2004

Obnova.sk Fotografia

New Heritage Photography Prize
For 2004 the Historic Gardens Foundation’s annual prize for garden
restoration is taking on a new dimension. Prize money totaling £2,500 will reward the most evocative photographs of gardens or garden features that are ‚At Risk‘ from neglect, pollution, development – or anything else. Both amateur and professional photographers are eligible and their chosen park or garden can be anywhere in the world. They should send between two and five pictures (at least one a general view and one showing a detail) and add 200 words in English describing the place and how it is threatened. Entries must be in the form of slides or prints, not digital images, and should have been taken in 2004. The ten best entries received by 7th September 2004 will each win £250 and the overall winner will also receive a camera. See www.historicgardens.org for further details. Application forms can also be downloaded from the
HGF website.

Obnova.sk Fotografia

Gardens and parks can also benefit from this competition. The most seriously endangered sites will feature in a special Historic Gardens Foundation publication, which will draw the attention of public, press and politicians to the plight of these beautiful and fascinating places.
In addition, the Historic Gardens Foundation is pleased to be working this year with the World Monuments Fund. The HGF will submit 10 of the most interesting and important parks and gardens to the WMF for inclusion, subject to the owner’s consent, in their worldwide Watch List of ‚Most Endangered Sites‘. This could lead to a funded restoration. The Historic Gardens Foundation exists to promote historic parks and gardens in Great Britain and throughout the world. Since 1998, its annual prize, worth £2,500, has encouraged good restoration of
a historical feature, such as a glasshouse, fountain or grotto. Awards have been made in France, in Scotland, and in England & Wales.

For further information about the Historic Gardens Foundation or about past winners of the HGF Prize, please contact histgard@aol.com or visit our website.


For more information call Jane Wagstaff on +44 (0)20 7633 9165

The Historic Gardens Foundation. Registered in England No 3024664.

A registered charity No 1044723.

foto: www.historicgardens.org

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