J. Jokilehto: History of Architectural Conservation
ICCROM – Medzinárodné centrum pre štúdium ochrany a reštaurovania kultúrnych statkov – zverejnilo na svojej internetovej stránke elektronickú verziu Dejín ochrany architektonických pamiatok, ktorých autorom je Jukka Jokilehto.
ICCROM is pleased to announce that the complete doctoral thesis by Jukka Jokilehto, A History of Architectural Conservation, is now available electronically (8753 kb PDF file).
Title: A History of Architectural Conservation
Author: Jukka Jokilehto
Date: 1986
ICCROM E-doc. 2005/01
This document (466 pages) consists of the research undertaken for the degree of the Doctor of Philosophy (D.Phil.) at the University of York, England, between 1978 and1986. The scope of the study was to investigate the history and development of major national European philosophies (i.e. those of Italy, England, France, and Germany), in respect to historic buildings, monuments and sites, the cross fertilization of these ideas and principles, and their contribution towards an international approach in the treatment of historic structures.
Five case studies have been examined in depth as examples, i.e. the Colosseum in Rome, the temple of Athena Nike in Athens, Durham Cathedral in England, Magdeburg Cathedral in Prussia and the Madeleine in Vézelay in France.
A synthesis of the main features of the study has been published ( A History of Architectural Conservation, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford 1999). The original thesis contains more detailed case studies than the book, and substantial notes. The book includes non-European countries and explores more recent theoretical issues.
The research was made possible due to the position of the author at ICCROM, where he was then responsible for the management of the programmes in architectural conservation, including international training courses, research and technical cooperation.
Zdroj: Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 169, 8. 4. 2005