Managing Conflict & Conservation in Historic Cities

Integrating Conservation with Tourism, Development & Politics

The 6th US/ICOMOS International Symposium

Annapolis, Maryland, April 24-26, 2003

Under the Patronage of the Mayor of Annapolis the Honorable Ellen Moyer…
Co-sponsored by

The University of Maryland Graduate Program in Historic Preservation

The City of Annapolis

Historic Annapolis Foundation

The National Park Service & With the Support of

the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation

The United States Naval Academy


Annapolis is among the most historic cities in the United States, and visually, one of the most compelling. Its rich history, its privileged location on the Chesapeake Bay, and its multifaceted role as the Capital of the State of Maryland, the Seat of Ann Arundel County, and a major world yachting center make the management of the many values of Annapolis a very complex and potentially conflictive problem. Annapolis enjoys a National Historic Landmark district with great integrity, a strong preservation ethic, a thriving tourism industry, a historically multicultural population, and strong citizen participation in communal issues through numerous organizations. It is the ideal setting for a global discussion on the 21st century challenges that stem from economic success in historic cities.

The Scientific Committee for the 2003 US/ICOMOS International Symposium is seeking abstracts of 250 words Max. that will illustrate or expand any of the Symposium’s sub-themes. Authors of selected abstracts will be invited to submit full-length papers and to present them in Annapolis.

All abstracts must be submitted by electronic format to : or by fax (1-202-842-1861)

by 15 November 2002 . Selected abstract authors will be notified by 31 December 2002. Final papers will be due on 1 March, 2003. All papers selected and submitted within the required deadlines will be published.

Session Themes:

Managing the successes of tourism:

In places where tourism success has been achieved, other problems remain (political, social, environmental). What kinds of conflicts are typical? How are the externalities of tourism changing, specifically as related to conservation of historic places? What kinds of solutions are being applied to these problems, and with what kind of success? For instance, what has been the experience of using World Heritage listing as a tool for managing conflict and conservation? What are real benefits and costs of World Heritage Listing for historic cities & towns?

Meshing urban conservation with other efforts to manage planning and development:

Conservation measures must not be seen in isolation from other efforts to manage and develop historic places. How have conservation, economic development, social welfare, environmental conservation, and other major urban policies been integrated? For instance, to what extent have environmental and heritage conservation fields been able to collaborate in the holistic management of historic towns as working landscapes? Also, large-scale planned developments (downtown office districts, stadiums, transportation projects, museums, and so on) are frequently chosen as the leading policy for local economic development. What has been the role of conservation vis-a-vis such large-scale developments and institutions? Are they always destructive of heritage? Even in the absence of large project proposals, the fate of historic places often is greatly shaped by the decisions of large institutions (such as universities, government agencies, or corporations). What are some typical issues and innovative solutions?

Alternative management tools & institutions:

What have been the recent innovations in the management of historic cities? What new tools, strategies, or institutions are leading the way in dealing with the conference’s overall theme—managing conflict and conservation in historic cities? Examples might include the heritage area movement in the United States, management planning efforts at World Heritage Sites, or UNESCO’s REAP projects.

Divided cities:

There are all too many examples of cities divided by ethnic, economic and political friction or by conflictive histories in which the use of material heritage (its destruction, its conservation, its reconstruction) has been one of the front lines. What has been the role of heritage conservation in such cities and towns, such as Berlin, Dresden, Warsaw, Philadelphia, Charleston, Quito, Mexico City, etc? How do urban conservation and heritage issues play out in such places where social and political issues become acute and overwhelming? This last question clearly brings international examples to mind—Beirut, Belfast, Mostar, and others—but this theme also is echoed in North American cities, around issues of multiple ethnicity, racism and gentrification. This would be an opportunity for those of us in North America to learn from the issues and experiences of places in Europe, the Middle East, south Asia, and the numerous other places that appear on our front pages.

The Symposium will include local field trips for all registrants to a variety of heritage sites in Annapolis and nearby Maryland that will stimulate discussion on the theme of the event.

2003 Symposium Scientific Committee Members are Brian Alexander, Ann Fligsten, Donna Hole, Randy Mason, Jonathan Poston and Orlando Ridout V

The Annapolis Steering Committee Members are Brian Alexander, Donna Hole, David Fogle, Sally Oldham and Capt Robert Parsons.

zdroj: ICOMOS Slovensko – Viera Dvoráková []

spracoval: Michal Hrcka

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Gettyho granty . Grants from the Getty

Campus Heritage Initiative
The Getty Grant Program recently awarded more than $1.5 million in grants to support the preservation needs of historic buildings, sites, and landscapes on college and university campuses across the United States as part of its Campus Heritage initiative. The next Campus Heritage application deadline is April 10, 2003.
Additional Information…

CALL FOR PAPERS | The 7th US/ICOMOS International Symposium

Since the adoption of the World Heritage Convention in 1972, consensus on its criteria and operational guidelines has been shaped by a rich international discussion strongly influenced by the heritage policies of its 176state parties, including the United States. Reciprocally, World Heritage policies and principles have returned home to every country to refine and enhance each nations‘ ability to address the complexity of its cultural and national heritage.