MuseumsQuartier Wien Is a Blockbuster: 700.000 Visitors in Five Months

November 30, 2001

Since the official opening at the end of June 2001, more than 700,000 visitors have flocked to the MuseumsQuartier. So far, 400,000 people have visited the various institutions, participated in tours through the complex, and stopped by at the Visitor Center. More than 300,000 visitors were in the complex for the numerous events celebrating the opening this summer and fall.

In addition to these 700,000 people, there are tens of thousands who come to the MQ to enjoy the atmosphere of the new cultural district without necessarily visiting one of the institutions or attending an event. The many patrons of the cafés and restaurants are not included in this number either, nor are scores of locals and tourists who pass through the MuseumsQuartier in search of information on the MuseumsQuartier project, the architecture, or the individual events.

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