Preserving Old Documents, Letters and Scrapbooks

Clanok bol pisany ako navod pre ludi ktory vlastnia stare dokumenty o svojich rodinach a vytvaraju si podla nich rodokmen.
My mother was a Rose Festival Princess 68 years ago in Portland, Oregon. From
April until May of 1935 she was involved in a whirlwind of public appearances,
photo sessions and interviews with reporters…Even though she was not elected
the Rose Festival Queen, she lovingly kept a scrapbook that contains all of the
congratulatory letters, parade brochures, photographs and newspaper clippings
of that exciting time. Sadly the scrapbook pages are brittle and discolored.
Restoration and preservation is now a priority.

Please DON’T DO ANYTHING to your old documents, letters and scrapbooks without
carefully researching the project first! You may further damage priceless
pieces of the past that can never be replaced. Here are a few Do’s and Don’ts:

· Do check scrapbooking and paper supply companies for acid-free/archival-safe
sleeves, mending tissues, storage boxes and other products.
· Do seek the help of a professional. Items can usually be photographed once
and photocopied only once, as the light from both processes further
deteriorates the dyes and inks.
· Do store the originals in a cool, dry place.
· Don’t attempt to remove items that have been pasted into scrapbooks. You risk
tearing them or damaging associated items.
· Don’t frame old documents and hang them on the wall. Air pollution and light
can cause them to deteriorate within weeks.

Professional restoration can be costly, but it may be the best choice —
especially for over-sized scrapbooks. The alternative is the inevitable loss of
a precious memento.

Jim Terry

zdroj: LEGACY NEWS APRIL 3, 2003

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International Day for Monuments and Sites-Ideas on how to celebrate it !

The origin of the International Day for Monuments and SitesIdeas on how to celebrate it !

On 18 April 1982 on the occasion of a symposium organised by ICOMOS Tunisia, which coincided with a meeting of the Bureau in Hammamet, the holding of a International Day for Monuments and Sites to be celebrated simultaneously throughout the world was suggested. This project was approved by the Executive Committee who provided practical suggestions to the National Committees on how to organise this day. Last but not least, the idea was also approved by the UNESCO General Conference…

The origin of the International Day for Monuments and Sites

The origin of the International Day for Monuments and Sites
Ideas on how to celebrate it!
On 18 April 1982 on the occasion of a symposium organised in ICOMOS Tunisia, which coincided with a meeting of the Bureau in Hammamet, the holding of the International Day for Monuments and Sites to be celebrated simultaneously throughout the world was suggested.

Towns and cultural heritage

Since a few years, the interest in the preservation and enhancement of the historic centres of African towns has increased. It is the case of Saint Louis in Senegal, Grand Bassam in Côte d’Ivoire, Accra in Ghana and Porto-Novo in Benin.

Charles Darwin – Biológ

Charles Darwin (1809 – 1882) sa počas svojej vedeckej kariéry venoval vývoju a premenlivosti živých organizmov. Jeho nesporne novátorskou evolučnou teóriou v čase svojho vzniku rozpútal búrlivé diskusie o pôvode človeka. Cesta na Galapágy, vďaka ktorej sa dostal k úvaham o výbere druhov, ktoré majú šancu na prežitie, mu zmenila život.


Euris Consult Ltd., European Consultancy Firm based in Malta, is seeking possible partners for an application for funding under the EU Culture 2000 Programme on behalf of our client, the Local Council of the town of Zejtun, Malta.