Restore – not-for-profit educational corporation

RESTORE is a national not-for-profit educational corporation which offers a range of programs and services related to the technology of building conservation. Since 1976, RESTORE has provided workshops and courses on the technology of architectural preservation to building industry professionals who are directly responsible for the preservation of our architectural heritage. RESTORE students include a cross section of architects, engineers, craftworkers, contractors, cultural resource managers, architectural conservators and preservationists, as well as others active in the field of building preservation. The RESTORE faculty consists of a team of nationally and internationally renown architectural conservators, architects, engineers, chemists, geologists, material scientists and industrial hygienist. All are actively engaged in architectural preservation. All RESTORE curricula have been reviewed by the Professional Development Committee of the A! merica n Institute of Architects and are eligible for AIA Continuing Education Learning Units. RESTORE is a not-for-profit educational corporation licensed by the Board of Regents of the University of New York State

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Courses on engineering for older and historic buildings

The National Center fro Preservation Technology and Training (NCPTT) in Natchitoches, Louisiana, USA, will present two one-week classes June 14 to 24 to introduce the issues and technical challenges encountered in older and historic buildings. This unique program is aimed at engineers and related professionals who have structural engineering experience and have an interest in the specific engineering issues of historic structures. For more details and to apply, visit the website