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Eagle Lock Co.
Posted by admin_obnova on 24. decembra 2002 at 5:55Potreboval by som informacie o fa. , ktora vyrabala zamky, pripadne nabytok v USA. Je to firma Eagle Lock Co.
dakujem za pomoc
harp odpovedal 21 years, 10 months ago 2 Členovia · 4 odpovede/odpovedí -
4 odpovede/odpovedí
Mam typ na novu literaturu k teme locks:
Thomas F. Hennessy -
Member12. februára 2003 at 5:16Nasielô som nove informacie k teme Eagle lock Co.
Boli v Connecticut Guide z roku 1935
Two miles east of Plymouth Center on U. S. 6, we descend to Terryville, the industrial center of the town, on the Pequabuck River. It was named for Eli Terry, Jr., who established a clock factory here in 1824. His son, in turn, James Terry, turned from clocks to locks, after pioneering in silk manufacture, and developed the cabinet lock, of which the Eagle Lock Co. for a time had a monopoly.
V rubrike restaurovanie som napisal viac. Pozrite tam.
Toto mi prislo e-mailom od starozitnika z USA.:
Eagle Lock Company has been closed since 1920 -
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Pustil som sa do jej konzervacie. Potom zaradim nove foto.
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