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a-terminy (mansardova strecha)
Posted by admin_obnova on 4. mája 2005 at 20:07ahojte, nevedel by mi niekto posunut viac informacii o mansardovej streche? teda konkretne kto ju takpovediac vymyslel a prvy krat pouzil a kedy. urcite to bolo niekedy v baroku, len mam pochybnosti, ci to bolo francois mansardt, alebo lemercie. Viete?
harp odpovedal 18 years ago 2 Členovia · 4 odpovede/odpovedí -
4 odpovede/odpovedí
Member5. mája 2005 at 6:29Mansardová strecha je pomenovaná po francúzskom architektovi Francoisovi Mansardovi (Mansartovi) rodenom parížanovi pravdepodobne však talianského pôvodu (13. 1. 1598-23. 9. 1666) i keď bola už pred ním používaná.
Svoj pôvod má v rýdzo praktickej požiadavke – využití priestoru podkrovia najmä na byty. Pri mansardovej streche je teda prvoradé ekonomické a až potom estetické hľadisko, ktoré jej bolo prisudzované hlavne v dobách eklekticizmu 19. a 20. stor.
Mansardová strecha (skutočná alebo len tzv. maskovaná) bola do konca prvej polovice 20. storočia často úplne neúčelne aplikovaná pri stavbe víl a rodinných domov najmä v Čechách.
Osoba pána Mansarda je tak ako vždy čo najtajuplnejšia:The style is named after François Mansart (1598-1666); Found in many French styles, including Second Empire, Beaux Arts Classical, Richardsonian Romanesque…
– In.: Illustrated Architecture Dictionary – ,Otcem mansardy je J.H. Mansard – 1648-1708 (Koch,W.: Evropská architektura,1998)
Otcem mansardy je Jules Hardouin-Mansard (1646-1708) (Ilustrovaná encyklopedie, Praha 1995)
atď. atď.A toto o ňom http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09609b.htm:
Jules Hardouin-Mansart French architect, grand-nephew of François, was originally Jules Hardouin, but took the name of Mansard.A nakoniec Nouveau Larousse Illustré, Paris 1900:
ENCYCL.: Constr. Le systéme des combles en mansarde (que Francois Mansard mit en vogue vers 1650, mais qui avait été déja employé au Louvre par Pierre Lescot)…..
(na apostrofy nepozeraj)
Dúfam, že je to čo potrebuješ. -
Member6. mája 2005 at 4:32dakujem pekne, je to sranda, ze podla rozlicnych zdrojov sa uvadzaju dve mena Francois Mansard a Jules Hardoin Mansard, ale myslim, ze je to podla toho starsieho, Francoisa.
keby som si nevedela este s niecim poradit, tak sa ozvem :-) dik
Member6. mája 2005 at 4:54Aspoň podľa francúzkych zdrojov.
Bolo mi potešením. -
Jules Hardouin-Mansart (Paris, April 16, 1646 – Marly, France, May 11, 1708) was a French architect whose work is generally considered to be the apex of French Baroque architecture, representing the power and grandeur of Louis XIV.
Born Jules Hardouin, he studied under his renowned great-uncle François Mansart, one of the originators of the classical tradition in French architecture; Hardouin inherited Mansart’s collection of plans and drawings and adopted his well-regarded name. He also learned from Libéral Bruant, architect of the royal veteran’s hospital in Paris known as Les Invalides. Hardouin-Mansart served as Louis XIV’s chief architect, first enlarging the royal château of Saint-Germain-en-Laye, then at Versailles from 1675. He became the surintendant des Bâtiments du Roi (Superintendent of royal works). He designed all the extensions and rebuildings at Versailles for the King, including the north and south wings, the Royal Chapel (with Robert de Cotte, 1710), and the celebrated Hall of Mirrors decorated by Charles Le Brun his collaborator. Outside the chateau proper he built the Grand Trianon and the Orangerie, as well as subsidiary royal dwellings not far away, such as Marly (begun 1679).
Among his other best-known works in Paris are the Pont-Royal, the Church saint roch, the great domed royal chapel Eglise du Dome dedicated to Saint Louis at Les Invalides (designed in 1680), the Place des Victoires (1684–86) followed by the Place Vendôme (1690). Most of these works still set their stamp on the character of Paris and can be seen by a modern-day tourist.
His most prominent position in France put him in place to create many of the significant monuments of the period, and to set the tone for the restrained French Late Baroque architectural style, somewhat chastened by academic detailing, that was influential as far as St. Petersburg and even echoed in Constantinople. At the same time, the size of support staff in his official bureaucratic position has often raised criticisms that he was less than directly responsible for the work that was constructed under his name, criticisms that underestimate the discipline control within a large, classically-trained studio.
Hardouin-Mansart is considered one of the most important European architects of the 17th century.
Château of Dampierre-en-Yvelines: domesticated Baroque at the center of Louis XIV’s inner circle
Château of Dampierre-en-Yvelines: domesticated Baroque at the center of Louis XIV’s inner circleMansart used the mansard roof, named for his great-uncle, at the château of Dampiere-en-Yvelines, built for the duc de Chevreuse, Colbert’s son-in-law, a patron at the center of Louis XIV’s court. This French Baroque chateau of manageable size lies entre cour et jardin as even Versailles did, the paved and gravel forecourt (cour d’honneur) protected behind fine wrought iron double gates, and enclosed by the main block and its outbuildings (corps de logis), linked by balustrades, symmetrically disposed. A traditional French touch is the modest pedimented entrance flanked by boldly projecting pavilions. Behind, the central axis is extended between the former parterres, now mown hay. The park with formally shaped water was laid out by André Le Nôtre. There are sumptuous interiors. The small scale makes it easier to compare to the approximately contemporary Het Loo, for William III of Orange.
text: wiki, foto: neznamy autor
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