TERRA 2008 International Conference

Vo februári 2008 sa v Bamaku, hlavnom meste Mali, uskuto?ní 10. medzinárodná konferencia o štúdiu a konzervácii hlineného architektonického dedi?stva. Do 15. apríla 2007 môžu záujemcovia o aktívnu ú?as? posla? ponuku svojich referátov alebo posterov vo forme abstraktu.

Terra 2008 Tenth International Conference on the Study and Conservation of Earthen Architectural Heritage – Call for Abstracts

The Getty Conservation Institute and the Mali Ministry of Culture are pleased to announce that they are organizing Terra 2008: Tenth International Conference on the Study and Conservation of Earthen Architectural Heritage in collaboration with Africa 2009, CRATerre-ENSAG, ICOMOS South Africa, ICCROM, and the World Heritage Centre, under the aegis of ICOMOS and its International Scientific Committee for Earthen Architectural Heritage. The conference will take place in Bamako, Mali, February 15, 2008. This is the tenth international meeting organized by the earthen community and the first to be held in Africa.

Obnova.sk Fotografia

The 4 ½ day conference will provide a unique opportunity to discuss and observe firsthand issues of conservation, management and sustainable development both from an international perspective and particular to sub-Saharan Africa, a region rich in earthen architecture.  During this conference, specialists will present papers and posters that reflect the latest research and practices in the study and conservation of earthen architecture worldwide.

Conference themes include:

? earthen architecture in Mali 
? conservation and management of archaeological sites
? conservation of living sites (cities, settlements, cultural landscapes)
? challenges and opportunities of conservation and development
? local knowledge systems and intangible aspects of earthen architecture
? standards and guidelines for new and existing structures
? seismic and other natural forces
? advances in research

We invite abstracts in French and English for 20-minute presentations and posters that relate to the 8 themes listed above. Each theme is intended to encompass a range of papers reflecting the multidisciplinary nature of the field. We therefore encourage papers on recent research and innovative practice in training, documentation, laboratory and field testing, and implementation, as well as issues of socio-cultural and economic dynamics of conservation, impact of tourism and development on heritage sites. Abstracts for papers and posters are being accepted until April 15, 2007.

In addition, postconference tours to Tombouctou, Djenné, Mopti, and the Dogon Country will be available to a limited number of participants on a first come first serve basis. Organized by a local tour agency in partnership with the Ministry of Culture and local Cultural Missions, the tours will highlight outstanding examples of the rich and diverse earthen architectural traditions of Mali. Experienced staff and guides of the Cultural Missions will present all sites to the groups.

Conference registration forms and additional information, including details on conference costs, postconference tours, and travel to Mali, are available for downloading on the Getty Web site at: www.getty.edu/conservation/field_projects/earthen/earthen_2008_conf.html

Financial assistance will be available to a limited number of participants from developing countries.  Registration forms and requests for funding assistance should be directed to:  Kathleen Louw, Senior Project Coordinator at the GCI:  klouw@getty.edu.  Questions regarding conference content should be directed to: Leslie Rainer, Senior Project Specialist at the GCI:  lrainer@getty.edu.  For further information within Africa please contact Klessigué Sanogo, Department of National Cultural Patrimony, Mali:  sanogoklessigue@yahoo.fr

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