aktivita diskusia Reštaurovanie a konzervovanie Konzervacia: web-odkazy

  • freya

    19. decembra 2006 at 10:52

    Odporucam vsetkym sa pekne zaregistrovat.. :wink:

    Participating in the Conservation DistList:
    If you are professionally involved with the conservation of museum, archive, or library materials, please consider participating in the Conservation DistList. An interdisciplinary forum, the DistList is open to conservators, conservation scientists, curators, librarians, archivist, administrators, and others whose work life touches on the preservation of cultural property. In addition, if you are a student in museum, library, or archive program, or considering conservation as a career, you may find the DistList an interesting introduction to the work of our field(s).

    Partcipants are asked to fill out a brief questionnaire, in order to be included in the ConsDir. To receive the questionnaire and sign on to the DistList, send a one line note

    subscribe consdist YourFirstName YourLastName

    to consdist-request@lindy.stanford.edu

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