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Staroveký Egypt
antik odpovedal 11 years, 9 months ago 5 Členovia · 56 odpovede/odpovedí
Looters broke into the museum on Friday, ripping the heads off two mummies and damaging about 75 small artifacts before soldiers caught them. Hawass said the broken artifacts could be restored.
Museum director Tarek El Awady said the thieves appeared to be looking for gold, and didn’t understand the value of other artifacts.
In the ancient city Luxor in southern Egypt, locals fended off a band of robbers who tried to break in and steal antiquities from the warehouse of the famed Karnak Temple on the east bank of the Nile. … The locals handed the five men to the army, which has posted a handful of soldiers at the vast temple’s entrance.Six boxes of small antiquities were looted from a storage facility in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, but there were no break-ins at the other 24 antiquities museums across Egypt, according to Hawass.
Zdroj: http://www.kansascity.comPreklad:
Vojaci zadržali asi 50 mužov, ktorí sa pokúsili preniknúť do Egyptského národného múzea pri novom pokuse o rabovanie archeologických pokladov krajiny. Podľa veliteľa vojenskej ochrany múzea vojaci zadržali 35 mužov v nedeľu a ďalších 15 v pondelok.
Plienitelia, ktorí prenikli do múzea v piatok, odtrhli hlavy dvoch múmií a poškodili asi 75 menších zbierkových predmetov, kým ich vojaci chytili. Riaditeľ múzea Tarek El Awady povedal, že zlodeji pravdepodobne hľadali zlato a nechápali hodnotu ďalších artefaktov.V starobylom meste Luxor v južnom Egypte miestni obyvatelia zastavili bandu zlodejov, ktorá sa pokúšala dostať do skladu presláveného Karnackého chrámu na východnom brehu Nílu. Piatich mužov odovzdali armáde, ktorá umiestnila niekoľko vojakov k vstupu do chrámu.
Šesť škatúľ s drobnými starožitnými predmetmi bolo ulúpených zo skladu na Sinajskom polostrove. Podľa Hawassa v ďalších 24 historických múzeách neboli zaznamenané vlámania.
Na pôdoryse poschodia Egyptského múzea sú vyznačené miesta, kde došlo k poškodeniu vitrín a exponátov, ako boli identifikované podľa videozáznamu televízie Al Džazíra.
Zdroj: ancientegyptonline.org
Areál pyramíd v Gíze je uzavretý …
… a stráži ho armáda.
Armáda stráži aj Egyptské múzeum v Káhire.
Zdroj fotografií: El blog de José Luis Santos Fernández
Informácia z prvej ruky, na blogu Dr. Zahiho Hawassa:
“… Žiaľ, hlas jedného kriminálnika je hlasnejší ako sto mierumilovných hlasov. …”
Nové správy o aktuálnej situácii starovekých pamiatok v Egypte môžete sledovať napríklad na blogu Kate Phizackerley-ovej.
Jan 31st, 2011 | By Joseph Mayton
Across Egypt reports are beginning to come in that reveal widespread looting of museums and antiquities, not just in the capital Cairo, sources on the ground told Bikya Masr in a statement.
According to antiquities official Mohamed Megahed, “immense damages to Abusir and Saqqara” were reported. Looters allegedly have gone into tombs that had been sealed and destroyed much of the tombs and took artifacts.
“Only the Imhotep Museum and adjacent central areas were protected by the military. In Abusir, all tombs were opened; large gangs digging day and night,” he said.
According to Megahed, storage facilities in South Saqqara, just south of Cairo has also been looted. He did mention it was hard to ascertain what, and how much, was taken.
He said Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) officials “are only today able to check on the museums storage, but early reports suggest major looting.”
Zdroj: bikyamasr.comČiastočný preklad:
Mohamed Megahed, predstaviteľ ochrany pamiatok, má správy o “nesmiernych škodách v Abúsíre a Sakkáre”. Plienitelia údajne vošli do uzavretých hrobiek, vážne ich poškodili a zobrali z nich rôzne artefakty. “Iba Imhotepovo múzeum a priľahlá centrálna časť areálu boli pod ochranou armády. V Abúsíre boli otvorené všetky hrobky a veľké gangy v nich kopali dňom aj nocou,” povedal. Depozity v Južnej Sakkáre na južnom okraji Káhiry boli podľa neho tiež vyrabované. Je však ťažké posúdiť čo a koľko bolo ukradnuté. -
Prof. Mgr. Miroslav Bárta, Dr. z Českého egyptologického ústavu FF UK píše o tom, ako gangy rabujú egyptské pamiatky. Podľa jeho informácií boli v noci zo soboty na nedeľu násilne otvorené takmer všetky archeologické objekty v Sakkáre, vrátane slávnych hrobiek vysokých hodnostárov z 27. storočia pred naším letopočtom v blízkosti Džóserovej stupňovitej pyramídy.
Ďalšie, priebežne aktualizované správy zo Sakkáry a Abúsíru:
Pyramids of Pepi I and Djedkare Isesi have been opened along with magazines in South Saqqara.
Both Abusir and Saqqara are reported to have suffered a lot of damage there are many large gangs digging throughout the night and day.
Podľa správ z dnešného (myslí sa tým nedeľného) rána boli násilne otvorené pyramídy Pepiho I. a Džedkarea Isesiho, ako aj depozitné sklady v Južnej Sakkáre. Abúsír aj Sakkára utrpeli rozsiahle škody, nakoľko veľké gangy ich prekopávajú dňom aj nocou. -
Egyptological Looting Database 2011 – A Site by Site Database of the Damage to Antiquites in Egypt
Databáza škôd na pamiatkach v Egypte, založená 31. 1. 2011 -
According to Monica Hanna, an Egyptian Egyptologist, many other cultural sites have been abandoned by the police. “The Coptic Museum is left without security, as well as the areas of Memphite Necropolis south of the Pyramids. One can only imagine what is happening at the sites in more remote areas in Lower Egypt,” Hanna told Discovery News.
Reports also are circulating about looters at the Supreme Council of Antiquities’ storage magazine in Qantara Sharq, as well as some other magazines in South Saqqara. Indeed, Abusir and Saqqara are reported to have suffered great damage.
“All the sealed tombs were entered last night. Only the Imhotep Museum and the adjacent central magazines are currently protected by the military. Large gangs are digging day and night everywhere,” Hanna said.
Zdroj: news.discovery.com, 30. 1. 2011 -
But, she said, for every one of those, there are a thousand Egyptians who will defend ancient treasures. “The people who are best able to protect these monuments are already there on the ground,” she said. “… I just have to hope and trust that they’re able to do what they can.”
Cooney said she had heard, but hadn’t been able to confirm, that authorities used a mosque’s loudspeaker to successfully urge citizens to come to the aid of the temple complex at Karnak and defend it from looters.
Zdroj: CNN, 31. 1. 2011 -
One horrified temple worker said: “It started when a villager came down from pyramids shouting, ‘I’ve found treasure – I’m rich!’ ” Within hours thieves were swarming over the site, digging and smashing their way into tombs with picks and shovels. “There was nothing we could do to stop them.”
The worker went on: “It was worst at the sites below the pyramids marking the tombs of the pharaohs Neferefre and Sahure, which are among the oldest in Egypt dating back to 2475 BC.
The bandits were smashing their way into the rooms known as ‘magazines’ where the treasures are stored. They find most rooms empty but have been smashing and tossing priceless stones covered in ancient script over their shoulders as they work. Some are taking away irreplaceable items, fragments and relics.
The scale of the devastation is vast – virtually everything here has been damaged and stripped. It’s happening at sites all over the country. Egypt is being robbed of its most precious treasure – its history – and Mubarak and his men are watching it happen.”The gangs fired shots at the handful of site staff who begged them to stop. Stone carvings and fragments of ancient friezes and statues are among spoils loaded into a steady stream of trucks.
Yesterday army units finally arrived – firing warning shots to scatter looters. But thugs quickly reformed into organised gangs and were soon knee-deep in tombs, trying to smash their way into long-protected underground chambers.
Archaeologists inspecting the desecration in Abusir fought back tears last night as they said the cost was “impossible to calculate”.
The scenes of destruction were mirrored a few miles south on the ancient site at Saqqara – and at an antiquities warehouse at Quantara.
Zdroj, ďalšie informácie a fotografie: The Sun, 1. 2. 2011 -
Things are fairly tense on Luxor’s east bank – just as in Cairo, thousands are protesting, the government party building has been burned out by rioters, and there are tanks in the streets. Several breakouts have been reported from two local prisons and it is expected that the security situation may continue to deteriorate.
Although there has been damage to a lot of currently open archaeological sites along the Nile, and many of their artifact storage magazines have been broken open and looted, Luxor’s west bank sites have fared fairly well so far.
The army is protecting the royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings, and our dig site and several others near the Valley are being protected by local “neighborhood watch” groups. As of now, none of the looters and illicit iggers have tried to cross their lines.”
Zdroj: Egyptologists for Egypt. Supporting the people’s demands; 1. 2. 2011, 22:26
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