Symposium on documentation of World Trade Center
World Trade Center Documentation Symposium
Woolworth Building (NYU/Woolworth Conference Center)
15 Barclay Street
New York, NY
March 29, 9am-4:30pmThe New York State Archives, Documentary Heritage Program invites
Archivists, Records Managers, Conservators and Historians to
participate in a one-day symposium that will review the status of
efforts to date to document this catastrophic event and plan for
future documentation activities.The keynote speaker will be Dr. James E. Young, Professor of English
and Judaica Studies at the University of Massachusetts. Dr. Young
is writing a book about his experiences serving on the jury for the
World Trade Center Site Memorial. Representatives from several
institutions have been invited to discuss their WTC documentation
activities, including the College of Staten Island, Hofstra
University’s Long Island Studies Institute and Voices of September
11, 2001. Following the presentations, break-out sessions will be
held to review the success of current projects, identify
documentation challenges yet to be addressed and to determine future
actions. The group will then reconvene to determine a plan for
future documentation, fund-raising and other support.As well as archivists, representatives from the family/survivor
community and from first responder groups will be invited to
participate and share their thoughts about documenting the defining
moment for the start of the new millennium.For further information please contact either Ray LaFever
<rlafever mail__nysed__gov> or Laura Zelasnic
<lzelasni mail__nysed__gov>.Funding for this symposium is being provided through a grant awarded
to the New York State Historical Records Advisory Board (SHRAB)/New
York State Archives by the National Historical Publications and
Records Commission (NHPRC).Laura Zelasnic
Assistant Archivist
Documentary Heritage Program
New York State Archives
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