World Heritage Day theme of earthen architecture

To commemorate World Heritage Day theme of ‚earthen architecture’- a joint activity with Australia ICOMOS and National Trust of Australia (NSW).Anita Krivickas will present an illustrated talk about her work in Chihuahua, in the north of Mexico, for a non-profit organisation called Misiones Coloniales. Essentially the brief was the conservation of the Jesuit and Fransiscan mission buildings, majority of which are adobe.
Anita Krivickas
·Architect for Misiones Coloniales de Chihuahua A.C., Mexico, preparation of restoration projects for a number of historic adobe and stone 18th century mission buildings in the Sierra Tarahumara, architectural supervision of the conservation works at the Mission of San Lorenzo, Belisaro Dominguez, and the preparation of applications for funding.
·US ICOMOS Summer intern 2002: Cornerstones Community Partnerships, Santa Fe, preparation of a conservation planning report for the 19th century Franciscan mission at Socorro, Texas, US. Architectural investigation and recording of the building’s development through its fabric.
·Heritage consultant for Graham Brooks and Associates 1997-2003
·Graduated with a Bachelor of Architecture (Honours in Conservation) from University of Adelaide in 1996.
Date: Thursday 22 April 2004 at 5.30pm
Venue: Annie Wyatt Room, National Trust, Observatory Hill
Cost $10 (Please note this price correction $10 inc pre talk wine & cheese)
Bookings: Sue Jackson-Stepowski ICOMOS NSW rep tel: 9798 4407 or